Donate Now

There are many ways to support

Please support our work and be as generous as you can. No donation is too small (nor too large). All contributions are tax deductible. You can use the PayPal donate button below — credit cards accepted.

If you prefer to pay by check, please make it payable to Wellspring Cooperative and mail to:

Wellspring Cooperative
PO Box 51116
Springfield, MA 01151


Get half your donation back – take advantage of our Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) Program

As a certified Community Development Corporation, Wellspring receives Community Investment Tax Credits from the state of Massachusetts each year. Anyone giving a donation of $1,000 or more is eligible to receive half of that donation back in the form of a tax credit (if you owe state taxes) or cash if you don’t owe state taxes. This applies to out-of-state folks as well. Contact Development Committee co-chair Kristan Bakker for credit availability.

For more information on the CITC Program click here.