Wellspring Cooperative


Upcoming Events


Past Events

Lower Valley CLT - Community Meeting

Hope that you'll join us! / ¡Espero que te unas a nosotros!

Free interpretation and childcare will be provided. Please indicate your need by Friday 5/17 in the registration form which you can access through the QR code below or this link /

Se proporcionará interpretación y cuidado de niños gratuitos. Indique su necesidad antes del viernes 17/05 en el formulario de registro al que puede acceder a través del código QR a continuación o este enlace::

Registration /  Inscripción

Come & celebrate the Grand Opening of this community kitchen

in downtown Holyoke, MA

You'll be able to sample delicious creations from Gran Cocina food crafters, tour the kitchen and future cafe, meet the team, and hear about Gran Cocina's exciting vision and how to get involved. 

Doors open at 5:30pm, Short program starts at 6:00pm.

We look forward to seeing you!

Wellspring Cooperative and Neighbor to Neighbor

Wellspring’s 2024 Co-op Boot Camp

Wellspring’s Co-op Boot Camp is helping to build a local cooperative economy for a more just, democratic and sustainable future—one where workers run their own business together, share in the profits, and give back to the local communities that support them!

Are you interested in co-owning your own business?

Join the worker co-operative wave that is sweeping the country. Come learn about what co-operatives are, why they are good for workers, the local economy, and communities. There are two courses (see below for more details):

Introduction to Co-operatives

This 4-week course will explore cooperative history and their role in fighting for social and economic justice, the tools to understand what it takes to be a worker-owner and the knowledge to decide if working in, or starting up a co-operative is for you.

4 classes, Tuesdays - Online

May 7-28, 6:00-9:00pm

Registration fee: $50

Building a Co-op Business

This 10-week course will help you and your team explore the feasibility of your idea, develop a business model/plan for your cooperative, think through its structure and governance, and start it up. Pre-requisite: Intro to Co-ops or equivalent.


10 classes, Tuesdays - Online

June 4-Aug 6, 6:00-9:00pm

Registration fee: $125



Registration Deadline: May 3, 2024

Limited scholarships available on a first come, first served basis.

See more information on Co-op Boot Camp Course Descriptions




Wellspring Harvest Greenhouse Tour
Small Space Vegetable Garden Workshop

DATE: Tuesday May 21st

4 to 6pm

Wellspring Harvest, 121 Pinevale Street, Springfield, MA

Click to register


Learn how local hydroponic lettuce is grown by this worker-owned business yearlong and is delivered fresh to your local grocer.


Following the tour, Natural Living Landscapes will present a free


Want to grow delicious fruits, veggies and herbs at home but you're short on space? No problem! In this workshop, we will cover the basics of growing edible crops in containers and raised beds.

We'll plant dwarf and cherry tomatoes in cloth grow bags, which you can take home with you!

Tomato in Bag


Workshop topics will include:

Where to site your container garden

What sizes and types of containers to use

How to maximize yield with companion planting, square food gardening, intercropping & succession planting

How to properly care for your container or raised bed garden


Wellspring's 2023 Annual General Assembly

Friday, December 1st

Springfield Innovation Center, Auditorium
276 Bridge St, Springfield, MA 01103

(For online participation please see below)

5:30-6:00  Come early for refreshments & socializing

6:00-6:30  Wellspring 2023 Highlights & Board Election

6:30-8:00  Keynote & discussion: Preparing for System Breakdown - Blair Evans

8:00 on     Hangout and fun!

Keynote Speaker: Blair Evans, Incite Focus

Preparing for System Breakdown: Building Local Resilience Through Community Production & Digital Fabrication

In the context of climate change disasters, pandemics, and the growing political, economic and social divide, it is critical for local communities to develop greater resilience and to strengthen their ability to meet their own needs. Wellspring is partnering with others, including UMass and Make-It-Springfield to explore the development of Center for Community Production hubs in Springfield and Holyoke. Blair Evans is at the cutting edge of this work, combining the technology for local, community based production with the the recognition that this process is also 'growing' people to realize their full human potential. Incite Focus has relocated from Detroit to its current location in Idlewild, MI, and is part of an effort to preserve and revitalize the legacy of what was once known as the Black Eden.


Blair Evans is a Board member of the Fab Foundation, and founder and director of Incite Focus, a program of Digital Fabrication, Agroecology and

Appropriate Technology which are practically applied to community empowerment through centers of community production. Blair has started centers of community production in Detroit, each incorporating a Fab Lab and an Agroecology Program (permaculture). He is a “guru” and instructor in Digital Fabrication with the Fab Academy. In addition to work in the built environment he is a Certified Permaculturist and Permaculture instructor, has owned a farm for two decades and has active agroecology programs in rural and urban areas.



We just added an online option. We'd love to see you in person, but for those of you who can't make it, please use this Zoom registration link. Once you register you will receive your Zoom link.
We will open the online broadcast around 6pm. 





Wellspring Cooperative and the UMass Labor Center are collaborating on an exciting upcoming Union/Co-op Conference that will feature exciting discussions and workshops on worker power in Western Mass and beyond! You can learn more about the conference and register on the conference website here: https://www.buildingworkerpower.com/ 


 You can view the full recording of the panel and discussion below:

Join us for a potluck cookout in a beautiful corner of Forest Park!

Date and time:  Sat, June 25, 2022   
3:30 PM – 6:30 PM EDT (Pre-picnic tour at 2:30)

Location: Forest Park*
Laurel Hill Road
Springfield, MA 01108

View map & registration

Come meet others in the Wellspring community--including the new co-ops that recently joined the network--and celebrate the 2022 graduating class of Wellspring's Co-op Bootcamp!

*Please note that unless you have a Forest Park pass, admission to the park is $3 (cash only)


There is also a tour of the Wellspring Harvest greenhouse before the cookout for anyone who is interested!
The tour starts at 2:30 at 121 Pinevale Street Springfield MA.


This is a potluck so please bring a drink, appetizer, something to grill, or something sweet to share! If you have time, let us know what category you're bringing so staff can be sure to fill in the blanks: Sign up here

Registration is not mandatory, please feel free to show up day-of! This is simply to help us ensure there is enough food to go around.

We're looking forward to another opportunity to connect with community after so many months restricted to virtual meetings!




MA Solidarity Economy / Worker Co-op Festival & Gathering 

Saturday & Sunday, June 4-5, 2022 - 10:00am-4:00pm / RAIN DATE: June 11-12, 2022



Childspace: Lessons from a Worker-Owned Childcare Center

May 4th, 2022

In this recorded Zoom discussion, Teresa Mansell, a founding mother of Philadephia's Childspace Centers, one of the few worker-owned childcare centers in the U.S explores the questions: What is a worker cooperative? How are child care workers empowered when they own the business together? What are the different pathways for child care workers to move toward their own child care worker co-op? As well as others raised throughout the discussion!

Founded in 1988, Childspace Centers now has three locations, all of which offer Head Start programs. Childspace has created 57 living wage jobs and serves 210 families. Recognizing that dignity and job quality are key to providing good jobs and good care, Childspace also engages in advocacy work and sits on key committees at the local, city, and state levels. If you are unable to view the video above, go to: https://vimeo.com/715312393


2022 Celebrate Earth Day

WHEN:  Saturday, April 23rd, 12PM - 4PM   (Rain Date 4/30)

WHERE: 227 Mill Street, Springfield, MA


Click here for more information 





Come & Learn Lawn Party

Sunday October 3rd, 2021

Join us to learn more about WELLSPRING COOPERATIVE and the many benefits of cooperatives in Springfield.

Meet Wellspring co-directors Fred Rose & Emily Kawano, Board co-chair & Indian Orchard Citizens Council president Zaida Govan, and learn more from some of our cooperative worker-owners.  Zaida will also share information on Indian Orchard Citizens Council’s Grow IO initiative to build community and wellness in their neighborhood. There will be refreshments too.

Location:  Lawn of Wellspring Harvest Greenhouse - 121 Pinevale Street, Indian Orchard

Time: 3 to 4:30pm

For everyone's safety, all local and CDC precautions for outdoor activities will be followed.


Wellspring is involved in local and national initiatives that educate the public about solidarity economy and cooperatives! Be sure to check out some of the educational events we've been a part of below-- click on the links to learn more.   

The Industrial Commons: Scaling Up a Co-op Ecosystem Through Value Chain Development

Learn about the revival and transformation of the textile industry in western North Carolina. The Industrial Commons is an economic ecosystem of employee-owned social enterprises and industry cooperatives that brings workers and manufacturers together to find triple-bottom-line solutions to entrenched manufacturing issues. This conversation and kick-off event discussed the possibilities of utilizing economic 'Value Chains' to create a cooperative ecosystem in Springfield.


Business Continuity and Ownership-Transition Options Panel

On Monday, May 17th, 2021 Our Co-director Fred Rose joined the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center in a virtual panel to discuss transition options for businesses to become cooperatively owned.


Solidarity Economy & Pathways to a More Just and Sustainable World

Wellspring partnered with a Sexual Domestic Violence Taskforce to provide a three-part training series for SDV advocates and allies around the tenets of solidarity economy. 

To view the recording of these trainings, click on the following links below: 

Workshop 1

Workshop 2  

Workshop 3  

Remaking the Economy: Envisioning a Restorative Future of Work

Our Co-Director Emily Kawano joined in a Non-profit Quarterly Webinar “Remaking the Economy” series  to look at “the workplace of today while exploring how our work lives might be transformed to support health and wellbeing, promote restorative justice, and provide not just ‘jobs’ but livelihoods.”

Beyond the Great Reset: The Systems Change Summit

Listen to Emily Kawano share about the solidarity economy and system change work as a part of the Systems Change Summit

Wellspring General Assembly

Please join us for our online General Assembly
Thursday, December 3, 2020
4:30-5:45 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87038037316
To join by phone, dial: 646-558-8656 and enter the Meeting ID: 870 3803 7316

It's been a challenging year - for our co-ops, as well as for all of us, our families, communities, and country! A small silver lining of COVID is that, in moving online, we hope that many of you who are further away will be able to join us for our  annual General Assembly. We'll take care of a little business, share updates, and hear from co-ops that are part of the Wellspring Cooperative Network, including 3 new members. We look forward to 'seeing' you on the 3rd.


4:30-4:40        Welcome - Zaida Govan
  • Please write in your intro into the chat
  • Checking in - how are you feeling/how are you doing? - interactive exercise.
4:40-4:50    Wellspring Board Elections

4:50-5:00        Wellspring update - Fred Rose & Emily Kawano

  • Childcare/Education: CareShare & Neighborhood Learning Pods
  • Co-op/Co-work Hub
  • Communications new hire
  • Fundraising
  • Board transitions

5:00-5:35     Stories from the Wellspring Co-op Network - J Jasper

  • Farm Bug
  • Chronic Trips Cafe
  • Greenlove Ecocleaning
  • Wellspring Harvest
  • Wellspring Upholstery
  • Old Window Workshop

5:35-5:45    Wrap up

  • How to get involved
  • Closing

Unions & co-ops: Promise, potential, and a pathway forward


Sponsored by Wellspring Cooperative & Western Mass Area Labor Federation


Thursday, Sept 3, 2020 - 4:00-5:30pm ET via Zoom

Registration required

We are at a crossroad in history where the pandemic, racial justice uprisings, climate change, and a downward economic spiral are creating openings to push for deep change. In honor of Labor Day, this webinar will explore the common roots between cooperatives and unions, as well as the potential and current initiatives to forge union-co-ops so that workers are not just fighting for a bigger piece of the pie, but for control of the whole damn thing.


4:00-4:05    Welcome & Interactive Exercise - Lydia Wood, WMALF & Kristan Bakker, Wellspring

4:05-4:30   Wellspring & Wellspring Labor/Co-op Committee/ Why Co-ops?

4:30-4:45    Co-ops and Labor - Patrick Burke, WMALF

              • National Labor-Co-op movements
              • History of co-ops in labor and economic justice struggles. 
              • How can unions be more proactive rather than reactive

4:45-5:10    Concurrent Session Breakouts

          1. Co-ops 101 - ask me anything (Wellspring)
          2. Co-op Cincy – how Cincinnati Union Co-op got its start and functions now (Ellen Vera, Co-op Cincy/Jeff Jones, UFCW 1459)
          3. Co-ops born of struggle: New Era Windows, Chicago, IL and Collective Copies, Amherst, MA - (Steve Strimer, Collective Copies/Jon Weissman, Wellspring Labor/Co-op Comm.)
          4. WorX Printing, Worcester, MA: A co-op born of the Anti-Sweatshop movement & Steelworkers-Mondragon partnership (Kevin O’Brien, WorX/Lynn Duggan, Wellspring Labor/Co-op Comm.)

5:10-5:30    Brainstorm: Potential to Collaborate

Registration required

For more information, contact Jon Weissman, unionyes@gogtt.net


Springfield City Council, Economic Development Committee Meeting

with Wellspring Cooperative

City of Springfield, Mass.: Elections


"Inclusive economic development through worker co-ops: the case for supportive policies in Springfield"

Thursday, February 13, 2020, 5:00 pm

Room 200, City Hall, 36 Court St., Springfield, MA

Background documents:

Comparisons of City Policies Supporting Co-ops


Registration link: https://forms.gle/jxQMrVaedyGq9TVQ8

For more information email emilykawano@gmail.com or call 413-461-8203

Wellspring worked with UACT (UMass Alliance for Community Transformation) to organize a Building a Co-op Ecosystem visioning process in Springfield a couple of weeks ago. The session included folks from various sectors that we need to work together to support a cooperative economy. It was really great, very energizing, and the ideas/discussions were captured in a stunning graphic mural which will be unveiled at this event.  We hope that folks who participated in the visioning session, as well as anyone interested in joining in the conversation, or getting involved in building a co-op ecosystem will come!




You're invited to a House Party for Wellspring Co-op Corporation co-hosted by Mary Hoyer and Frank Holmquist. 

Friday June 1st, from 4:30-6:30, 75 Woodlot Rd., Amherst, MA 01002.

Learn how Wellspring is creating jobs and wealth in Springfield neighborhoods!

A lot is happening at Wellspring with three functioning worker co-ops including Wellspring Harvest, which is growing local, nutritious greens at its new commercial greenhouse in the Indian Orchard neighborhood of Springfield.

We hope you can join us to hear more about all that Wellspring is doing in Springfield and to meet some of the worker-owners. We’d love to see you there Friday, June 1st!

Mary Hoyer,  Wellspring Treasurer

Fred Rose & Emily Kawano,  Wellspring Co-Directors

Kristan Bakker and Jenny Ladd,  Wellspring Development Committee Co-Chairs


Cooperation Jackson - Kali Akuno

April 27, 2018,  6:00-8:00 pm, Mahar Auditorium, UMass, Amherst

In case you aren't familiar with Kali and the work of Cooperation Jackson, here is a link to an edited volume, Jackson Rising

Join us for a public talk with activist, scholar, and theorist Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson, co-author/editor of Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy & Black Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi.

Solidarity Economies, Social Movements, and Social Justice

"Cooperation Jackson is an emerging vehicle for sustainable community development, economic democracy, and community ownership.

Our vision is to develop a cooperative network based in Jackson, Mississippi that will consist of four interconnected and interdependent institutions: an emerging federation of local worker cooperatives, a developing cooperative incubator, a cooperative education and training center (the Lumumba Center for Economic Democracy and Development), and a cooperative bank or financial institution.

Cooperation Jackson’s basic theory of change is centered on the position that organizing and empowering the structurally under and unemployed sectors of the working class, particularly from Black and Latino communities, to build worker organized and owned cooperatives will be a catalyst for the democratization of our economy and society overall.

Cooperation Jackson believes that we can replace the current socio-economic system of exploitation, exclusion and the destruction of the environment with a proven democratic alternative. An alternative built on equity, cooperation, worker democracy, and environmental sustainability to provide meaningful living wage jobs, reduce racial inequities, and build community wealth. It is our position and experience, that when marginalized and excluded workers and communities are organized in democratic organizations and social movements they become a force capable of making transformative social advances."
Organized by the Department of Anthropology and the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
Co-sponsored by UMass campus departments and community organizations: Center for Education Policy & Advocacy (CEPA), Civic Engagement and Service Learning (CESL), Hampshire Franklin Central Labor Council, New Economy Coalition, Neighbor to Neighbor, The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice, School of Public Policy, Social Thought and Political Economy (STPEC), Sustainable Community Development, UMass Alliance for Community Transformation (UACT), UMass Labor Center, UMass Libraries Sustainability Fund, UMass Dept of Economics, Wellspring Cooperative

Wellspring Harvest Community Meeting

April 18, 2018- 6:00 pm

Indian Orchard Library, 44 Oak St, Springfield, MA 01151 (Map)

Announcing our first meeting of the Wellspring Harvest Community group! We want input from our neighbors and friends to help make Indian Orchard even more beautiful. We have thoughts of a community garden and other things that might enhance our lives here in the Orchard.

Please come out on the 3rd Wednesday of the month to share your ideas and thoughts. We need you to make this a success.
Bring the kids! Light refreshments will be available.
For more information: Zaida Govan 413-301-2533

Worker Co-op Boot Camp - March 1-May 31, 2018

Springfield Technical Community College, Thursdays, 6:00-9:00pm

Coop principles

Are you interested in co-owning your own business? Join the worker co-operative wave that is sweeping the country.

Come learn about what co-operatives are, why they are good for workers, the local economy, and communities.

For more details please visit the Co-op Boot Camp page.


Wellspring General Assembly &

Western Mass. Cooperative Economy Festival




Wellspring Harvest Ribbon Cutting

& Co-op Tour

November 15, 2017




We're almost there!

Come and celebrate the completion of the Wellspring Harvest greenhouse, followed by a tour of Wellspring's other worker co-ops.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

121 Pinevale St. Indian Orchard, Springfield, MA 01151

11:-12:00 Wellspring Harvest Greenhouse ribbon cutting & reception

12-1:00 Tour of Wellspring Upholstery & Old Window Workshop Co-ops


Please let us know if you're coming to the ribbon cutting:

Yes, Count me in for the ribbon cutting

Spaces are limited for the Co-op tour. Please register with the button below.



Co-op Conversions:

A Strategy to Save Jobs and Build Economic Democracy

Tuesday, September 26, 2017 
5:00-5:30 Light refreshments and networking
5:30-7:30 Panel & Discussion
Venue: PVPC, 60 Congress St, Springfield, MA 01104-3419

Co-ops work

Come hear about the potential of converting conventional businesses into worker co-ops.
  • Camille Kerr, ICA Group, lawyer, business consultant, and advocate for various forms of employee ownership.
  • Rep. Paul W. Mark, sponsor of the MA Office for Employee Involvement & Ownership bill
  • Case studies: Annie Winkler, Real Pickles and Tom Ewing, Ewing Controls, two local businesses that have gone through a conversion process.
Why convert a conventional business to an employee owned enterprise?
  • Save businesses and jobs
  • Build community assets - workers profit as the business does
  • Promote economic democracy - giving workers a voice in running the business
  • Owners can access tax incentives for selling their business to workers
  • A strategy to address the coming "silver tsunami" of small business owners from the boomer generation who are approaching retirement - many without a succession plan.

Co-sponsored by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and the Worker Cooperative Boot Camp project - a workforce training program offered through Springfield Technical Community College, in partnership with Wellspring Cooperative, Arise for Social Justice, United Food & Commercial Workers 1459, YWCA, and the Association of Black and Business Professionals.



Lunch & Learn: Play the game of Co-opoly

Wednesday, August 16, 2017 
11:45 Registration and food
12-1:00 Co-opoly

Scibelli Enterprise Center, Teleconference  room
1 Federal St., Springfield, MA (Map)

Take a break, join us for lunch, and play the game of Co-opoly, led by game creator Andrew Stachiw. Players discover the unique benefits and challenges of the cooperative world – as well as the skills needed to participate in a co-op!

Sponsored by the Worker Cooperative Boot Camp project - a workforce training program offered through Springfield Technical Community College, in partnership with Wellspring Cooperative, Arise for Social Justice, United Food & Commercial Workers 1459, YWCA, and the Association of Black and Business Professionals.

Register button



Lunch & Learn: Meet Pioneer Valley's
Worker Co-ops
where workers own their own business

Wednesday, June 28, 2017 
11:45 Registration and food
12-1:00 Panel and discussion

Scibelli Enterprise Center, SEC training room
1 Federal St., Springfield, MA (Map)
7 Co-op Principles

Join us for lunch and meet some of the worker cooperatives in the Pioneer Valley.

Did you know that the Pioneer Valley is one of the most co-op dense regions in the country? Come hear from a few of the local worker cooperatives - where workers own their own business.

  • Energia, energy efficiency services
  • Toolbox for Education and Social Action, creating tools and programs for causes
  • Real Pickles, producers of, well, real pickles
  • Wellspring Cooperative, building a network of co-ops in Springfield

Sponsored by the Worker Cooperative Boot Camp project - a workforce training program offered through Springfield Technical Community College, in partnership with Wellspring Cooperative, Arise for Social Justice, United Food & Commercial Workers 1459, YWCA, and the Association of Black and Business Professionals.

Register button






Wellspring Breaks Ground on Springfield’s First Production Greenhouse:


Celebrate with us at a Press Conference and Reception:

Thursday June 8th, 2017 

11am to 12pm— at the greenhouse site (121 Pinevale St) 

12pm to 1pm—reception at the Greater New Life Christian Center (1326 Worcester St)


Cooperatives & the African American Struggle

for Justice, Survival and Economic Development


Thursday April 27, 2017

4:45-5:00 pm registration & REFRESHMENTS      5:00-7:00 Workshop

Techspring, 5th floor, 1350 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103

(Parking validation will be provided)


collective courageCopies of Dr. Nembhard’s book will be available for purchase and signing.


Jessica Gordon Nembhard, author of the groundbreaking book, Collective Courage: A History of African-American Economic Thought and Practice, will facilitate an exploration of the rich history of African American economic cooperation and its role in movements for Black Civil Rights and economic equality.


Drawing on this inspiring history, participants will:

  • Understand the compelling case for using cooperatives in inclusive economic development strategies;

  • Understand how cooperatives address poverty and the marginalization of communities of color and immigrants;

  • Understand how cooperatives can bridge divides in the common interest of creating good jobs that are rooted in the community;

  • Understand how cooperatives create opportunities for business ownership, wealth building and democratic management.


About the Speaker: Jessica Gordon Nembhard is a political economist and Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development in the Africana Studies Department at John Jay College, City University of NY. She is also a member of the Grassroots Economic Organizing Collective, the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy, and the US Solidarity Economy Network; and a member of the Leadership Team of Organizing Neighborhood Equity (ONE) DC. She was inducted into the Co-op Hall of Fame in 2016.

This workshop is one of a series of public events about cooperatives that are being organized as part of the Worker Cooperative Boot Camp Project. This Wellspring Cooperative initiative brings together a range of partners to develop a worker co-op certificate program through the Workforce Training program at Springfield Technical Community College. Participants of this certificate program will learn what it takes to work in a cooperative or to start one of their own.


Worker Cooperative Boot Camp Project partners include Arise for Social Justice, Association of Black Business and Professionals, Springfield Technical Community College, Workforce Training Program, United Food & Commercial Workers 1459, Wellspring Cooperative, and YWCA.


Workshop proudly sponsored by Baystate Health and Wellspring Cooperative



Invest In Your Values

Join us for light refreshments and demonstrations of healthy cooking & hydroponics.

Learn about an exciting opportunity to invest in Wellspring Harvest,

an urban hydroponic greenhouse co-operative, creating jobs, worker ownership and

fresh, local produce all year round in Springfield, MA.


When: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 5:30-7:30 PM


Where: Carriage House at the Barney Estate, Forest Park, Springfield, MA 01108

(map & directions)

Special guest: Mayor Domenic Sarno



We hope that you will come and learn about an opportunity to invest in Wellspring Harvest, a commercial hydroponic greenhouse and urban agriculture training center in inner city Springfield, MA. This initiative will bring good jobs and healthy food to under-served communities in the city.
Wellspring is conducting a direct public offering. Each share is $1,000 ($5,000 for qualified investors). We are thrilled to report that we just reached our initial goal of $200,000 in four months! Given this success, we are doing a second round to raise an additional $50,000 directly from people who care about the things that this greenhouse and training center will support:

- sustainable urban agriculture
- local fresh food production
- job creation
- worker ownership
- wealth building & economic democracy
- training about sustainable urban agriculture for students and the local community
- a replicable model for community-based urban greenhouse and worker ownership

For more information about Wellspring Harvest and the investment opportunity, please visit our Wellspring Investment Fund page.

Thanks. Hope to see you there!

Host Committee for the Carriage House Event

Patrick Sullivan, Director of Parks and Facilities for City of Springfield
Mark Jeffrey, Sodexo District Manager for Springfield Public Schools
Frank Robinson, Vice President Community Relations, Baystate Health
Glenn Welch, President, Freedom Credit Union
Tom Jenkins, GZA GeoEnvironmental
Fred Rose, Co-director, Wellspring Cooperative,
Emily Kawano, Co-director, Wellspring Cooperative

Please RSVP to Emily emilykawano@gmail.com or Fred frose@pubpol.umass.edu

WellsprinG Harvest - Community Workshops

Wellspring Harvest hosted three Commmunity Workshops on Urban agricultureCont

