Wellspring Upholstery Cooperative (WUC) is a worker owned cooperative providing entry-level jobs that pay a living wage with benefits for low income Springfield Residents. WUC is a full service upholstery factory that provides quality workmanship in a timely manner for budget conscious commercial and institutional customers.
Located in the historic Money Wrench Building (where the monkey wrench was invented) at 143 Main Street in Springfield, WUC is the first of a network of worker-owned companies to be developed by the Wellspring Collaborative, a partnership of 23 anchor institutions, community organizations and economic development agencies formed to create employment for low income residents of Springfield. WUC serves the institutional upholstery market of public schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, religious institutions, entertainment venues, and other institutions throughout New England as well as local residential customers.
To request an estimate or find out more about WUC’s pricing and services download our Wellspring Upholstery flyer or contact Karla Demmon demmonk68@gmail.com or e-mail wellspringupholstery@gmail.com