Wellspring Cooperative is well-positioned to accelerate its development of new businesses through direct incubation, conversion of existing businesses into cooperatives, providing support for newly forming cooperatives, and partnering with other broader initiatives.
New Co-op Initiatives
GreenLove Eco Cleaning was founded in 2010 by biodynamic herbalist & homesteader Amy Lovell, a Pioneer Valley mother of five. Armed with her own kitchen-formulated line of organic cleaning solutions, GreenLove's fully insured and bonded team is proud to offer greener, healthier lifestyle options to our community as part of the greater movement towards sustainability. 2020 marks our tenth year in business and our team is currently collaborating with Wellspring Cooperative as we transition to a worker-owned cooperative model. GreenLove is a women-owned, women-run company with a focus on building resilient communities through fair pay, healthy lifestyle education, and family-first values. We are currently welcoming new team members in Hampshire & Berkshire counties!
Farm Bug, a cultivator-owned craft cannabis cooperative that aims to create jobs and wealth-building opportunities for those who have suffered the most from the racist war on drugs. As an independent grower & worker-owned cooperative, Farm Bug formed to grow and advocate for organic, sustainable, small-batch craft cannabis. Our policies and practices fulfill this mission by working in the best interests of the plant, people, & planet. Find out more on their website: https://www.farmbug.coop/
Chronic Trips Café, a community gathering space by the canal in Holyoke offering healthy food and drink including premium coffee and locally sourced specialty food items. Chronic Trips also host events, excursions and experiences that strengthen the mission to: Promote Environmental Stewardship, Foster a Sense of Place, Build Community. Find out more on their website: https://www.chronictrips.com/cafe
CareShare, a local childcare co-op that would provide quality, affordable childcare while paying caregivers a living wage. This childcare cooperative group is still in its early planning phases but the cooperative is making headway with hopes to have a childcare center that is cooperatively owned here in Springfield.