Wellspring Cooperative

Staff, Board and Committees


Fred Rose, fred.rose@wellspringcoop.org | Co-Director 

Emily Kawano, emilykawano@gmail.com | Co-Director

Kristan Bakker, kristan.bakker@wellspringcoop.org | Development Coordinator


Julia Agron, Worker-Owner, Chronic Trips

Todd Bailey, Baystate Health

Ernesto Cruz, Wellspring Board Co-Chair, COWOP

Lesenia Fields, Wellspring Co-Chair, GoFresh Mobile Market and Grow IO

Terry Gibson, Western Mass Neighbor to Neighbor

Jeff Jones, United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1459

Ivelice Lefebvre, Worker-Owner, Energia

Clive Ndlovo, Worker-Owner, Wellspring Harvest

Charles Schweik, UMass Amherst School of Public Policy

Moyah Smith, Wellspring Treasurer, M&T Bank

Tracye Whitfield, Coalition for an Equitable Economy and Springfield City Council


Finance Committee

Phil Giguere, Moriarty and Primack

Moyah Smith, Wellspring Treasurer, M&T Bank

Fred Rose, staff

Tracye Whitfield, Coalition for an Equitable Economy and Springfield City Councilor

Development Committee

Kristan Bakker, Chair

Fred Rose, staff

Kathy Sharkey

Emily Kawano, staff

CO-op Network Committee

Joe Gerard, Western New England University

Tony Taylor, Champion Childcare

Betsy Johnson, Wellspring Harvest Greenhouse Board

Anne Burke, Economic Development Council

David O'Leary

Scott Reed, Valley Venture Mentors

Eric Schwartz

Labor/Co-op Committee

Mary Hoyer, Union Co-ops Council of US Federation of Worker Co-ops; Co-chair

Jon Weissman, retired labor leader; Co-chair, Mass-Care: Massachusetts Campaign for Single-Payer Health Care

Jeff Jones, United Food and Commercial Workers Union - Local 1459

Patrick Burke, Western Mass Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO

Boone Shear, UMass, Anthropology Dept.

Rose Bookbinder, Mass Nurses Association, WMALF

Alix Gerber, Smith College

Ethan Tupelo, Hampshire College,

Daniel McLeod

Emily Kawano, staff

Education and Training Committee

J Jasper, Farm Bug Cooperative

Emily Kawano, staff

WellsPring Harvest Greenhouse Board

Jeff Jones, United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1459

Betsy Johnson, Springfield Food Policy Council Member*      

Eric Fedus, Sustainability Advocate   

Emily Kawano, Wellspring Cooperative Corporation

Fred Rose, Wellspring Cooperative Corporation

Stephen Hilyard, Wellspring Harvest

Zaida Govan, Indian Orchard Citizens Council, Springfield City Councilor

*Not an official representative, for identification purposes only